Item 1 – Stability Booklet Information in Owner’s Manual onboard. (CVLA can provide at request). (17)
All sailing multihulls greater than 6 meters must have a stability information booklet onboard or information in the vessel operating or owner’s manual.
All vessels’ categories 0 and 1 must have a stability information booklet onboard.
Item 2 – All sailing vessels must have a Sail Plan onboard showing in what weather conditions to reef sails. (17)
Item 3 – A Stability Letter from CVLA or other approved authorities must be onboard. (CVLA will provide, but the vessel needs to carry onboard when received).
Item 4 – Captain’s Logbook, all vessels must keep a captain’s log. Electronic are OK.
Item 5 – USVI Commercial Registration (REG) must be onboard. (17)
Item 6 – The vessel must have SOLAS TABLES 1 and 2, Minimum Training Manual onboard and other access to
Current Almanac and Tide Charts. (Request CVLA Drive folder to access documents or click here for the training manual).
Item 7 – A current SCV2 filled out for the vessel and onboard. (Ask CVLA for a copy to fill out and carry onboard when filled out).
Item 8 – FWD Collision Bulkhead required. Vessels over 12m/ 39ft. (17)
Item 9 – USVI REG Displayed on port/starboard bow. (Decal only required on portside for USCG COD vessels).
Item 10 – Vessel Name required on the stern area of the vessel.
Item 11 – Paper Chart of the area of operation (USVI), including STX updated to 2019 or newer.
Item 12 – Fixed Magnetic Compass required.
Item 13 – Handheld Compass, all vessels require means to take bearings over 360 degrees.
Item 14 – Smoke Detector, required in hallways, salon, and galley.
Item 15 – 3X Thermal Protective Aids (TPAS). (Space Blankets or other approved thermal aid).
Item 16 – Emergency Lighting (flashlight(s) required onboard that are in working order).
Item 17 – A Fixed VHF radio is required. Transmits and receiving on channels 22A & 16.
Item 18 – Ship’s Station License. All vessels require a printed onboard a CURRENT ships station license, MMSI, and callsign.
Item 19 – Handheld VHF radio required by all vessels Emergency 2-way coms.
Item 20 – Emergency VHF Antenna. For sailing vessels only incase of dismasting.
Item 21 – Adult Life Jackets. 1 per adult person. (17)
Must be Type 1 USCG Approved.
Each must have the vessel’s name clearly written on it.
Each must have reflective tape affixed.
Each must have a whistle on a string attached.
Each must have a light attached, be working, and in date. (Lights required for all categories).
Item 22 – Child Life Jackets. 2 total are required . (17)
Must be Type 1 USCG Approved.
Each must have the vessel’s name written upon it.
Each must have reflective tape affixed.
Each must have a whistle on a string attached.
Each must have a light attached and be in date. (Lights required for all categories).
Item 23 – Flares Red Handheld (USCG Approved). (17)
- Category 0,1,2,3 requires a total of 6 in date/// Category 4 requires a total of 3 in date.
Item 24 – Flare’s Orange Smoke Signals (USCG Approved). All vessels require 2 in date.
Item 25 – Flare’s Parachute. (USCG Approved).
- Category 0 requires 12 in date /// Category 1 requires a total of 6 in date.
- Category 2 and 3 requires a total of 4 in date /// Category 4 do not require any.
Item 26 – Fire Pump– All vessels 15 meters or greater must have some form of sea water.
fire pump and hose to reach the entirety of the vessel. Wash down hose, Hose and
valve teed into a/c raw water pumps etc., will be accepted.
Or must carry an extra 2 X 13A/113 extinguishers to the requirements in Item 28/29
Item 27 – Fire Buckets all vessels shall have two (2) fire
buckets clearly labeled FIRE. and to each
have a lanyard attached to the handle that can reach overboard to bail water from the topside. (17)
Item 28 – Fire Extinguisher Engine Space. Must have fixed fire extinguishing system both.
Correctly sized and in date.
(Must be tagged annually and USCG approved)
OR provision through boundary layer (fire port) to allow access for portable.
Fire extinguisher discharge. (fire ports authorized but min agent as fire inspector).
This fire extinguisher is to have a minimum rating of
13A/113 B or similar. (Must be tagged annually and USCG approved) (17)
This fire extinguisher is included in the requirements listed in Item 29.
Item 29 – Fire Extinguisher Accommodation Spaces. Required for all exits a Minimum (MIN) 2.5lb ABC. (17)
( ALL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS MUST BE USCG APPROVED; please get in touch with CVLA for information if unsure).
Item 30 – Emergency Exits need labeling either EMERGENCY EXIT or green running men. (2 Means of Escape for each accommodation space). (17)
Item 31 – Automatic Gas Detection equipment. All vessels with propane require a gas detector.
The gas detector must be able to be tested with an alarm. (17)
Item 32 – Propane Emergency Action Card must be displayed near the propane appliance in the galley.
Item 33 – All vessels fitted with a galley require a Fire Blanket mounted near the stove. (17)
Item 34 – MARPOL. Waste Placard is required.
Item 35 – MARPOL. Pollution Placard is required.
Item 36 – First Aid Kit. A reasonable kit for vessels’ intended use is required.
Must not have expired items and stock required by the code. (17)
Item 37 – Bungs/ Plugs. Efficient means of closing above the waterline through hulls. (17)
Item 38 – Signal/Spot Lamp. All vessels require means of morse code at night
- Vessels Category 0,1,2,3 require a searchlight/spotlight. For man-overboard searches and the light must be waterproof.
Item 39 – Safety Harness – A safety harness with a lanyard shall be provided for EACH crew member.
Item 40 – Wire Cutters Only sailing vessels require a means of cutting rigging wire.
(Options Wire shears, bolt cutters, Battery angle grinder).
Item 41 – Radar Reflector – All vessels shall be fitted with an approved emergency radar reflector.
Item 42 – Sound Signal. All vessels greater than 12 meters shall have a sound signal.
Item 43 – Vessel’s category 0, 1, 2,3 will have an operating GPS.
Item 44 – Running Lights, all vessels require working approved running lights. (17)
Item 45 – Anchor Light, all vessels require working approved anchor light.
Item 46 – Barometer, all vessels’ cats 0,1,2,3, and all category four over 12 meters require a barometer.
Item 47 – Life Raft, Type 4 float, tender and or life raft must be enough for all people onboard.
Vessels more then 3 miles offshore require a in date life raft capacity for all people.
- Tender must have a capacity plate. If used as a life raft and additional Type 4’s. (17)
cover all remaining persons if the life raft and tender cannot carry remaining passengers.
Item – 48 2 x Life Buoys (USCG APPROVED for the orange ring). All vessels.
- Horseshoe, life sing and one must be (1x min 24” orange circular life buoy required).
- Each must have vessel name written upon the life buoys.
- Each must have reflective tape affixed to it.
- One must have 18 Meter 60 Feet Buoyant Line
- Other must have Automatic Float Light (NOT required category 4). (17)
Item 49 – Dan Buoy required – Only on sailing vessels.
Item 50 – All vessels require 2 Means of Starting main engines,
Battery change over switch, pull start, jumper cables. (17)
Item 51 – Electric or engine Powered Bilge Pumps.
Less than 15 m to have at least two bilge pumps 1.
of which “MAY” be power-driven one must be hand.
If under 12m hand pump can be portable.
Greater than 15 meters to have at least one fixed-hand pump and one power-driven pump.
To enable the draining of all compartments. Strum boxes are to be fitted as required. (17)
Item 52 – Manual Bilge Pump. All vessels require a manual bilge pump.
Vessels greater than 12 meters fixed pumping capability for all compartments.
- Strum boxes fitted where necessary.
Vessels less than 12 meters, category 2, 3, 4 as above but maybe the handheld pump. (17)
Item 53 – High Water Alarm. All vessels shall have a high-water alarm fitted to all enclosed machinery. (Not required for vessels with outboard engines only). (17)
spaces. The alarm must be audible and visual at the steering (helm) position.
Item 54 – Propane storage and drainage. (17)
Propane tanks shall be secured in an area with sufficient drainage to remove
gas vapors, not be stored with electrical systems, and cannot drain into the interior hall.
Item 55 – Fire Dampers, an efficient fireproof means of closing engine space vents
to contain fire extinguishing medium. (17)
Item 56 – Fuel Shut Off clearly Labeled and visible. (17)
or labeled to be visible without moving or opening anything.
Item 57 – Emergency Fuel Shut Off. All vessels will have a means of shutting of fuel supply to machinery in case of fire. (17)
- The valve shall be operated from outside of the engine space.
- The valve shall be mounted as close to the fuel tank as practical.
- An outboard fuel tank disconnect will not pass as a valve.
Item 58 – Emergency Steering. All vessels must have an effective means of steering in case of
mechanism failure. Emergency tiller, Twin screw, Outboard motor,
Auto pilot direct to the rudder quadrant etc. (17)
Item 59 – All vessel’s Anchor Day Shapes are required. Sailing vessels also require Motor Sailing Cone.
Item 60 – Main Anchor/chain /line size not adequate. (Windlass required <12m vessels). (17) (Ask CVLA for the anchor equipment guide if needed).
Item 61 – Kedge Anchor /chain/line does not meet requirements. (17) (Ask CVLA for the anchor equipment guide if needed).
Item 62 – Vessel does not have Current CVLA SCVC Decal. (Only for certified SCVC vessels).
Item 63 – Marking of (do not open at sea) required on required FWD facing skylights and hatches.
Item 64- Propane Burner(s) for cooking appliances with propane require a Flame Supervision device.
Item 65 – Sailing vessels are only required to carry a Storm Sail. (Reefing system is acceptable cat 3-6).
Item 66 – The Tender is required to be Registered with the USVI DPNR.
Item 67 – Tender Registration number to be Displayed on the forward of the hull or tubes.
(Both sides). If the vessel is USCG documented, only the DPNR decal is required on the portside.
Item 68- The tender must have a Light for operating at night. (17)
Item 69- Tenders must have Life Jackets while carrying passengers and crew. (17)
Item 70- The tender must have an in-date Fire Extinguisher when the fuel tank is not portable.
Item 71- The tender must carry a Flare while operating at night. (17)
Item 72 – The Tender needs Alternative Propulsion, such as oars or extra engine.
Item 73 – The Tender requires an Anchor and tackle. (17)
Item 74 – The Tender must have the means to Bail water via manual operation. (17)
Item 75 – The Tender must display carrying Capacity.
Item 76 – The vessel is required to have a Ships Bell. Vessels over 20m/ 65’.
Item 77 – The vessel Insurance Certificate required for commercial use and printed onboard. (17)
Item 78 – Vessels require a Ditch Bag. (17)
Item 79 – Min 2 liters of Drinking Water per person. (17)
Item 80 – Boarding Ladder on vessel and tender. (17)
Item 81 – The vessel requires a Man Overboard Drill.
Item 82 – USVI Vessel Business License. (For discussion purposes only with CVLA as of now).
Item 83: Callsign needs to be Posted by fixed VHF.
Item 84-Waste Disposal Plan for Vessels over 40 feet.
Item 85- (Recommendation Only) EPIRB should be onboard when operating over 3 miles from shore.
Item 86- Certificate of Documentation (COD) must maintain in date original onboard.
Item 87- Out of Water inspections are due at a minimum every three years and with in 6 months of the original in water inspection.
Item 88- The current Small Commercial Vessel Certificate (SCVC) must remain onboard when vessels are certified.
Item 89- The vessels must be a part of a Drug Consortium.
Item 90- The vessel crew is required to have current STCW training.
Item 91- One crew onboard is required to have a Radio Operator’s License.
Items: 89, 90, 91
(Bareboat Not required but Management required to show operators how to use items).
Item 92- The vessel is required to have adequate Lifelines.
Item 93- The vessel must have flame supervision devices for all gas-burning devices inside.
Additional UPV Items for Uninspected Passenger Vessel Inspections under 100GT.
A – The master must carry a valid operating license for the vessel and are operating.
B- The master/ all required operators must have correct ratings for the area of operations & tonnage
C- Sufficient operators for two watches (Voyages > 12 hrs.). Must have qualified legal crew for the vessel’s operations.
D- Vessel USCG Certificate of Documentation (COD): Vessels > 5 Net Tons and coastwise endorsement or for foreign-built vessels, a Marad Waiver Excludes (USVI)!
E- Official number correct size, permanently affixed and visible on the interior structural part of the hull. (COD vessels only).
F- Display of Name/ Hailing Port correct size and location (No Hailing port for vessels only locally registered operating in the USVI only).
G- DOCUMENTATION: Vessels < 5 Net Tons or valid USVI Commercial Registration Certificate on board.
H- Aware of the required action for the failed chemical test? If not, see the shared folder of UPV files and discuss with a UPV inspector if needed.
UPV Files:
I- Have Alcohol testing equipment on board for all crewmembers to be tested within two hours of a marine casualty.
J- The vessel’s operators must be aware of the prohibition of vessel operations while intoxicated .04 level max.
K & L- Documented and SCVC Vessels: Aware of reporting requirements. Use proper forms and contact the local USCG.
M- Inboard gas engines must have ventilation ducts, blower (s), and backfire flame control.
N- The vessel must have Safety Orientation with passengers and new crew: These announcements are made prior to the journey.
O- Passenger List or Count: Conducted for each day of operation and stored accessible to someone onshore.
P- Emergency Instructions: Posted in a prominent & accessible location.
Q- The certified marine sanitation device is correct for length: Type 1 (only under 65ft.), Type II or Type III.
R- Provide an acceptable method(s) of securing the overboard discharge device.
S- An identification sanitation placard must be attached on Type I or II devices.
T- Bilge Slops Retention: Ability to contain oily water on board. (Have a means to collect and separate oily water).
CODE 17 Requires immediate rectification before operating with paid passengers.
Additional information…
USCG Documented vessels required to have USCG approved fire extinguishers with no plastic handles and need to be inspected annually by an approved fire safety inspector and tagged. (New fire extinguishers stamped with the current year on the bottom of the cylinder do not need to be inspected until the following year).
– Vessels require in the USVI to be apart of a drug consortium.
– The master must carry a valid operating license for the vessel and area operating.
– Qualified Crew for the vessel’s operations.
Once deficiencies are complete, the vessel representative or owner will sign off on our form, which we provide stating the items are complete to receive your CVLA Small Commercial Vessel Certificate (SCVC).
- Load LINE CERTIFICATE/MEASUREMENTS AS PER (46 CFR parts 42–47) (46 USC chapter 51).
- Not Under Command Lights Required.
- Flashlights in ever accommodation space or emergency lighting system. &
Additional Information
Category 0 – Unlimited.
Category1 – Up to 150 miles from safe haven.
Category 2 – Up to 60 miles from safe haven.
Category 3 – Up to 20miles from safe haven.
Category 4 – Up to 20 miles from safe haven in favourable weather & daylight.
Category 5 – In designated authorized bay during daylight area in favorable Conditions Only.
Category 6-1 mile from shore in favorable conditions in the bay or protected waters Only.
No. of Persons – Onboard (max. no. of persons – determined from stability tests/results, including a
max. of 12 passengers).
All vessels at a minimum require a in water inspection annually.
All vessels are required to be inspected out of the water every three years or less.
(Please note CVLA or the USCG can request a more frequent inspection) The vessel inspection dates will be added to the vessels Small Commercial Vessel Certificate (SCVC) from CVLA.

CVLA insist upon the vessel being in seaworthy condition at all times during the Compliance period
while carrying passengers and failure to maintain the vessel in such condition may result in voiding the
Letter of Compliance.
CVLA or the USCG reserve the right to check the vessel at any time to verify the SCV2 and safety