Safety Equipmen
Vessels Over 12 Meters

If you have a larger boat, you have to meet a few additional requirements for your Blue or Yellow Code Compliance.
Boats over 12 meters require a collision bulkhead.
Sound Signals
12 meter or over boats require sound signals.
Bilge Pumping Arrangements
- All vessels larger than 12 meters in length or classed Category 0 or 1 require fixed hand pumping capabilities to all compartments.
- Fit strum boxes where appropriate.
All boats, no matter their category, over 12 meters, require a barometer on board.
Fire Pump and Hoses
All boats 15 meters or greater:
- Must have a seawater fire pump and hose that reaches the entirety of the boat. Wash down pump, hose, and valved teed into the A/C raw water pumps will be accepted. Or, you must carry an extra 2 x 13A/113 extinguishers.
- One hand or power operated fire pump or no fire pump and a minimum of 4 x 13A/113B fire extinguishers and one x 5A/34B extinguisher at each exit to accommodation spaces.
Distress Flares By Category
Flares Red Handheld:
Category 0, 1, 2, 3 require a total of 6 in date. Category 4 vessels need two in date.
Flare Smoke Signals ( Generally Orange):
All vessels need two in date.
Distress Flares ( Parachutes):
- Category 0 requires 12 in date.
- Category 1 requires 6 in date.
- Category 2 and 3 need a total of 4 in date.
- Category 4 does not require any at all.
Life Rafts
Category 2 boats must carry enough life raft capacity for all persons on board.
Type 4 floats or tenders/dinghy cannot make up your capacity numbers for Category 2.